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Kurulus osman season02 episode-11 urdu dubbed by geo...
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Season-2 episode-11 |
Digitally Presented by Qarshi Did you know Har Pal Geo is now in the US? Subscribe and hit the bell icon to catch Top Pakistani Dramas and satisfy all your entertainment needs The series focuses on the life of Osman Bey, the son of Ertugrul Gazi and the founder of the Ottoman Empire. Osman begins his journey by forming a friendship with Yorgopolos and the Kayi tribe expands its influence further during the reign of Osman Ghazi, but some problems hinder Osman and he must solve it. Osman faces many enemies and traitors in his quest and overcomes the obstacles. Osman also marries his love, Bala, amid his reign. He fulfills his missions with the help of his loyal companions, family, and friends. the life of osman
The Ottoman Empire was one of the mightiest and longest-lasting dynasties in world history. This Islamic-run superpower ruled large areas of the Middle East, Eastern Europe and North Africa for more than 600 years. The chief leader, known as the Sultan, was given absolute religious and political authority over his people
(مکمل قسط دیکھنے کے لیے نیچے جائیے ۔۔۔۔)
Kurulus Osman Episode 63, Osman emerges from the tent and converses with Bala. Turhan tells that more soldiers will join the military soon, but Goktug is somewhat upset by his words. Boran attempts to quiet Goktug and asks about the situation. Goktug contends Boran. The governor by and by visits the Sultan and converses with him about the tax issue. In the interim, Sultan discovers that Osman will go to the castle very soon. The Sultan tells that if Byzantium begins a conflict, he will uphold Osman with his all military. Zoe converses with Malhun and understands about her pregnancy. Before Osman goes to Konya, he converses with Malhun to take care of herself. Bala compliments Malhun by giving this news which they want to hear from a long time. Malhun says that Bala resembles the mother of her baby and attempts to reassure her. Dukas goes to the palace and converses with Nikola. Now Malhun is the weakness of Osman because she is carrying his child. Zoe goes to the palace and tells everybody that Malhun is pregnant. Nikola gives Zoe an errand to raise a problem on the plain. Gunduz and Sheik compliments the new soldiers. While resting in the woods, Osman asks Goktug about the issue with Boran, however meanwhile, the Mongolian troopers assault them by the Governor’s order. Boran and Goktug settle their contention while battling with Mongols. The old lady says that she won’t help Zoe, but when she knows about Nikola, she becomes ready to prepare poison which she needs. That evening, Bala welcomes Osman to supper, however he wants to go to Malhun. Osman reaches the Malhun’s tent and tells her to feel comfortable. Osman and Malhun eat together. Bala understands that Osman won’t return and starts to eat alone. Gonca discloses to Bala that Zoe is subtly heading off to some place. Osman goes with his fighters and meets with Umur at the boundary. Osman informs Umur and Turhan concerning the assault plan. The Turks before long encompassed the Byzantine soldiers. While Osman was assaulting a little gathering of Byzantine fighters, Dukas assaulted the village around Kulucahisar badly killing the inhabitants of the village. Osman and his soldiers annihilate the Byzantine troopers in a brief time frame. Dukas starts to praise his triumph and says that he will soon totally annihilate Osman and the Turks. In the interim, Aygul goes to Osman and tells that Dukas and his military are assaulting and killing the innocent villagers. Osman is already suspicious about the victory and becomes furious. Umur and Gunduz understand that Osman was true about the potential snare. Osman says that regardless of what occurs, he will vindicate each and every individual who kicked the bucket and will annihilate Dukas.
While Western Europeans generally viewed them as a threat, many historians regard the Ottoman Empire as a source of great regional stability and security, as well as important achievements in the arts, science, religion and culture. Origins of the Ottoman Empire Osman I, a leader of the Turkish tribes in Anatolia, founded the Ottoman Empire around 1299. The term “Ottoman” is derived from Osman’s nam
In Kurulus Osman episode 62, Togay begs before Osman and says that he complete his execution quickly. Cerkutay handles Bamsi’s swords to rip off his head and give it to Osman. Osman recollects what Bamsi said quite a while past and punishes the lawbreakers he trapped before everybody. Sheik announces that Osman gave the execution punishment to the lawbreakers. Osman announces that he will consistently rebuff the individuals who assault the Turks whatever the matter will be. Everyone was satisfied with Osman’s discipline. The Sultans are informed by the governor that the Osman abducted Togay. As a discipline, Osman is told by the governor to pay the tax of three years in three days by governor to break the law. When Osman is close to Bamsi’s grave and says that he rendered his retribution. Nikola is glad that Togay is dead, yet he believes that the present circumstance fortifies Osman much more. In the meantime, a Mongolian emissary comes and says that the governor will uphold Nikola against Osman. The representative tells that they will give gold to which is taken from Nikola. Nikola acknowledges this agreement, however, says that he won’t be a toy for any
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We are facing alot of problems now a days best we are trying our best to improve our mistakes and kurulus osman urdu dubbing is our mian target to provide you as much fast as we can..
We are facing difficulties for Indian users because it's only present in pakistan and geo have no rights because Atv is also streaming these episodes on youtube and geo only dubb these episodes for them...
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(EPISODE will be uploaded today at 7:45)
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